Friday, July 27, 2007

First trip, third stop: Grandview

Grandview just charmed the pants off us!
This is one of those do-it-yourself yard ornament projects on a large scale. Immigrant Nick Engelbert's concretia dementia began around 1937 just outside Hollandale, Wisconsin (wonderland of visionary environments) on state highway 39.

See NarrowLarry's write up at
his pictures are better than mine, too.

Photos from top to bottom: Engelbert Family Tree, Snow White and some Dwarfs, Neptune's Moat, a lion with the Engelbert family house in the background (yes, the house is coated with cement and encrusted with stuff), and the Organ Grinder with Monkey, where donations may be left.

Most of these statues are reproductions and a few original pieces are on display at a folk art museum in some Wisconsin town with a charming name like 'Sheboygan' or something like that. There's a preservation society protecting this place, and they really love it.

Nick Engelbert said something like, "If a man can't be happy on a little farm in Wisconsin, then he just doesn't have it in him to be happy."

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